Tips for a successful move with children

Whether you are moving to Tucson from somewhere else in the country, or moving within Tucson from another local residence, when it comes to the physical act of moving there are many things to consider.  One of the biggest concerns for people when they are looking to move, is how their children will handle the act of moving in its entirety, from the moment they find out, to seeing the house for the first time, and finally to moving into their new home.  There are a few ways in which to ease the transition for your little ones in the process.

  • Explain what moving is

Your child may have a vague idea of what moving homes means, but you should be sure to sit down and really explain that they will be saying good-bye to their current home and moving to a new home.  If you frame the concept of moving in a positive light, your children are more likely to be excited, rather than fearful of change.

  • Take your children to see their new home

Your child may be apprehensive when you tell them they are moving, so be sure to bring them to their new home and show them all of the positive attributes.  Show them a park that is nearby, or perhaps and ice cream parlor, or let them pick what color they would like to paint their room. Perhaps when you move in, you can make a special coloring nook for your child to enjoy, or you can set up a safe play area in your new backyard.

  • Let your children help you pack

You should let your children help you pack their room as this will make them feel like they are part of the process, rather than having something happen to them over which they have no control.  Turn up some fun music and bring out markers so they can mark their boxes with the contents. At some point, your child will be more focused on playing than doing any actual packing, but just stay with them and let them have fun.

  • Pack a “Super Special Box” for your child

A “Super Special Box” would otherwise be known as an, “Open First Box” for an adult.  Be sure to pack their favorite toy, stuffed animals, security blanket, or anything else that is particularly important to them.  In the chaos of moving, even if you have boxes labelled to go to their new room, you do not want to have to open up twelve boxes before you find their favorite items – save yourself the time and just know that that box is there as much for your comfort as it is for your child.  You will also want to pack a suitcase with clothing and toiletry items for your child that you can pull from immediately.

  • Declutter & Donate

Moving is a great time to get rid of old toys, clothes and books.  Again, framing this process in the correct way is essential to avoid meltdowns.  Let your kids know that there are children who may not have as much as them, and that it is their turn to enjoy old toys.  If you have the time, bringing your child with you to donate the items will make them feel involved, and again, rather than looking at it as losing their old toys, they can see that someone else will love their toys as much as they did.  Tucson moving companies often know of different charities to donate to, so it is certainly worth reaching out to ask for recommendations if you do not already have a favorite place to donate.

  • Move during the summer if possible

The last thing you want to do is create chaos in a child’s life as they are attending school.  If you have the option to move during the summer, it would be wise to plan it for then. This way, not only will your child not be pulled between the stress of trying to keep up on homework and moving, but you will also have one less thing to worry about.  Summer would be a great time to send your child to day camp or perhaps over to a friends house to play so that you can focus on moving the rest of your house without fear of you child being bored and needing attention, or exposing them to unnecessary safety hazards.  If you are not able to find other activities for your children to participate in come moving day, be prepared by having snacks and drinks readily available, and try to keep your normal schedule for feedings, as best you can.

  • Childproof your home before you move

While older children will know most of the hazards to avoid, little ones will not and they are prone to explore, specifically if there are items in your new home that they are never exposed to, such as loose wires or open electrical sockets.  Due to the adventurous nature of children it is of the utmost importance to childproof your house prior to bringing your kids on move in day, where your attention will be divided. Stacking boxes is one of the most dangerous things that can be done when you have a child running around their new home and exploring, so it may be best to stack as low as possible, or stack in a room where you can lock the door and keep your children out.

  • Kids love boxes!

Forget the all of the fancy plastic or wooden toys your child has, when they see boxes, they will only want to play with them.  During the unpacking process, feel free to hand an empty box off to you kid and let them crawl around it and color it. While it may be just a box to you, to them it could be a spaceship or a castle.  Encourage them to play for it for as long as they will stay entertained.

  • Take them to meet your new neighbors

Whether you are moving across town or from an entirely different state, one of the things kids may be most apprehensive about is leaving their friends.  When you move into your new home, take your child to meet your new neighbors. This is not only a great way to build rapport with your new neighbors, but some of them may have children as well.  You are not just moving to a new home, but an entirely new community that will be with you for years to come.

To expedite your moving process or to speak with one of our moving specialists during a free consultation, feel free to reach out to us any time and we can help you make the moving process as easy and stress free as possible.

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